Educational Resources
At Karrinyup Small Animal Hospital, we believe that informed pet owners make the best caregivers. That's why we've curated a comprehensive collection of educational materials to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to keep your furry family members happy and healthy.
Our team of experienced veterinarians and animal experts have collaborated to provide you with reliable, up-to-date information that will help you make informed decisions about your pet's well-being.
Feel free to browse our educational resources, and if you have any questions or need personalised advice, don't hesitate to reach out to our compassionate and dedicated team. Together, we can ensure a lifetime of happiness and health for your cherished companions.
Our team of experienced veterinarians and animal experts have collaborated to provide you with reliable, up-to-date information that will help you make informed decisions about your pet's well-being.
Feel free to browse our educational resources, and if you have any questions or need personalised advice, don't hesitate to reach out to our compassionate and dedicated team. Together, we can ensure a lifetime of happiness and health for your cherished companions.
Anaesthetic Blood TestsBefore your pet undergoes a general anaesthetic, we recommend that they have their blood collected for a blood test profile. This can be done on the morning of the procedure. The parameters of the profile is case-dependent, as we select the appropriate tests to suit each particular health situation.
The most commonly run tests are described in the link as we explain what information we gather from them and why we recommend performing these tests. |
Anal Sac AdenocarcinomaAn anal sac adenocarcinoma is a malignant cancer of the anal gland. It represents approximately 2% of all skin tumours in dogs and is seen predominantly in breeds 10-11 years of age. It often appears as a firm, fixed lump around the anus region.
Bonding RabbitsIntroducing a new rabbit into a household with an existing rabbit can feel similar to bringing in an intruder. The process of introducing two rabbits is known as bonding, and can be stressful for both people and rabbits. There are some tips to make introductions as smooth as possible.
Brachycephalic Anaesthetic CareBrachycephalic breeds, like Bulldogs, Pugs, and Persian Cats, possess distinctive facial structures that can pose challenges during anesthesia.
Our team we have a customised anaesthetic protocol for brachycephalic dog and cat breeds, to increase their anaesthetic safety. |
Caring For Your New KittenBringing a new kitten into your family is an exciting time.
We are here to provide you with essential guidance and information to ensure your new kitten's health and well-being receives the utmost care and attention it deserves. |
Caring For Your New PuppyEmbracing a new addition to your family with a puppy can also come with an overload of information.
We are able to provide you with essential guidance and information to ensure your new puppy's health and well-being receives the utmost care and attention it deserves. We also run Puppy Preschool classes, which you can enquire here. |
Caring For Your RabbitRabbits are lovely pets and a new rabbit brings a lot of excitement and joy. As it is important to familiarise yourself with what it needs, here are all the necessary health care tips to get you started.
Cat Bite AbscessCat bite abscesses are a prevalent concern for cat owners and their feline companions.
These painful and potentially serious infections can occur when a cat's sharp teeth puncture the skin, introducing bacteria deep into the tissue. While these abscesses may start as small wounds, they can quickly escalate into a more significant health issue if left untreated. |
Cruciate Ligament Repairs - Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO)The TPLO is an orthopaedic surgery performed following the rupture of a cranial cruciate ligament within the knee.
The surgery helps to stabilise a knee so that your pet can regain limb function without relying on its cranial cruciate ligament. |
Cruciate Ligament RepairsCruciate ligament rupture is a common knee injury of human athletes (ACL).
These "acute" or sudden ruptures can occur in dogs, but they are much less common than a process called "Cruciate Ligament Disease". This is the name given to the complex of issues that occur in the knee as a result of cruciate injury. |
Cryptorchidism (Retained Testicles)Cryptorchidism is the medical term that refers to the failure of one or both testicles to descend or drop into the scrotum. The testes typically develop near the kidneys within the abdomen and usually descend into the scrotum. They should be palpable within the scrotum by 8 weeks of age.
Cushing's DiseaseCushing's Disease is a problem of middle-aged dogs (5-8 years) whereby the adrenal glands overproduce cortisol. Cortisol is the 'stress' hormone that regulates the body's response to stress including blood sugar levels. It tends to affect females more than males.
Degenerative Mitral Valve DiseaseMost common acquired heart disease in dogs with clinical signs including a heart murmur. Pathophysiological changes to the heart may include dilatation of the left ventricle, left atrial enlargement and pulmonary hypertension (respiratory distress and fainting).
Middle-aged to older small to medium sized dogs are more likely to have an acquired adult-onset heart disease. In the case of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, the risk increases with age but can occur as young as 4 years of age. |
Diabetes Mellitus - CatDiabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrine disorders in middle-aged to older cats. Diabetes can be diagnosed in any breed, age, or gender but is more commonly seen in older, overweight male cats.
Diabetes Mellitus - DogDogs more commonly develop Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus where there is insufficient production of the insulin hormone.
Insulin is required for the body to use the glucose that is available in the bloodstream. When insulin is not available, there is excess glucose in the blood stream, but the body’s cells are starved as they are unable to access this source of energy. |
Ear infectionsEar infections are typically caused by bacteria, yeast, or a combination of both.
Ear mites can also be a source of infection (mainly in puppies and kittens). Factors that may predispose your dog to ear infections include moisture (which can create a prime growing environment for bacteria and yeast), foreign objects (eg grass seeds), anatomical problems with ear canals and any underlying allergies. |
Eyelid LumpsEyelid lumps are fairly common and can occur in any breed, at any age, with older dogs over 10 years more commonly affected.
Feline AsthmaAsthma is a common complaint in cats that is incurable and often linked to allergies. It is the constriction of the airways due to inflammation that cause the cat to have difficulties in breathing.
Cat asthma occurs in young to middle-aged cats and is usually worse in warmer months and following time spent outdoors. Affected cats tend to have intermittent wheezing and coughing but are completely normal between episodes. |
Feline Resorptive Tooth LesionsResorptive Tooth Lesions are a common finding on oral examination of many cats. This condition is an erosion of the enamel and dentin of the tooth, causing painful exposure of the delicate tissues (blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves) within the tooth’s pulp cavity.
Despite years of ongoing research, no cause or trigger has yet been definitively identified. Unfortunately, they are extremely painful and can affect a cat's ability to eat. |
Food Allergies (Adverse Food Reaction)Food allergies represent one of the most common types of allergies in cats and dogs.
It can take months or years before your pet develops an allergic response to a particular food, and the age of onset can vary anywhere between 4-months to 14-years. |
General AnaesthesiaGeneral anaesthesia is the use of injectable and or gaseous agents to induce an unconscious state for short periods so that procedures such as spay/neuter or dental can be performed pain-free.
The general anaesthetic procedure requires before, during, and aftercare and is tailored specifically to the life stage, health, and breed of the pet. |
General Back PainDue to their active nature, dogs can commonly injure their backs. Causes of back pain can be due to soft tissue injury (eg muscle tear) or spinal injury (eg intervertebral disc disease IVDD). Pain can be located anywhere from the neck, middle back, or lower back.
Linguoverted TeethLinguoverted teeth are a common dental concern seen in veterinary practice. It describes mandibular (lower jaw) canine teeth that are in the normal anatomical position but are angled abnormally, causing them to make contact with the teeth within the top jaw or hard palate tissue.
Lip Fold DermatitisLip fold dermatitis or pyoderma is a skin infection and inflammation that occurs between close skin surfaces, usually on the lower lip. Skin folds often have reduced air circulation, increased moisture, and increased warmth, which promotes bacterial overgrowth.
Low Stress Vet Visits - CatMany cats experience significant stress in the Vet clinic environment. Loud noises can be a major contributing factor. If you would prefer to book during a quiet time of day, please let us know when you call us and we can advise on a suitable time for your cat's appointment.
Low Stress Vet Visits - DogIf your dog experiences anxiety when interacting with other dogs or animals you may wish to book at a quieter time of day. Let us know when you call us as we can advise on a more suitable time for your dog's appointment.
Lumps and BumpsFinding lumps and bumps is a common problem seen in middle-aged to senior dogs. It can be a very distressing find, but fortunately, most small skin lumps found in pets can be cured when removed surgically. Early detection and ongoing monitoring is the key to successful treatment.
Luxating PatellaPatella luxation commonly affects smaller dog breeds where the kneecap moves inwards (medial luxation) but can also occur in larger breed dogs where the kneecap moves outwards (lateral luxation). It is a condition whereby the kneecap (patella) intermittently or permanently stays outside the groove in which it should sit.
Muzzle TrainingCooperative care involves training an animal to not only tolerate handling, but it also allows them to have a choice in whether to participate in the training.
NSAIDS and Your PetNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication has been used for many years in both human and veterinary medicine to manage pain, inflammation and pyrexia (fever). It is also one of many medications we use with a knowledge that it can have side effects and risks.
Oral Tumours - CatOral tumours are the third most common form of cancer in cats. It is estimated that approximately 3% of cats suffer from oral tumours. It refers to any cancer found in the bone, teeth or soft tissue of the jaw, tongue or throat.
Osteoarthritis in CatsOsteoarthritis or arthritis is the irreversible and progressive deterioration of joints that causes pain and a reduction in joint motion. It can severely limit your pet’s quality of life.
Osteoarthritis in DogsOsteoarthritis or arthritis is the irreversible and progressive deterioration of joints that causes pain and a reduction in joint motion. It can severely limit your pet’s quality of life.
PancreatitisPancreatitis is a serious condition that describes the severe inflammation of the pancreas gland. It can happen at any age, but commonly affects middle-aged to older dogs as well as overweight dogs. The pancreas is responsible for regulating pet blood sugar levels, and secreting enzymes to digest carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Periodontal DiseasePeriodontal or gum disease is a common but preventable condition that is caused by poor oral hygiene. It starts with swollen, red and painful gums and can lead to tooth loss.
Ringworm TreatmentRingworm treatment, in both humans and animals, takes 3 - 4 weeks on average. Because ringworm is easily transmissible between animals, humans and the environment, it needs to be tackled from multiple sides.
Separation AnxietySeparation anxiety is a behavioural condition that occurs in both cats and dogs when separated from their owner. Typical signs include destructive behaviours that occur when left alone.
Vulvoplasty or EpisioplastyA vulvoplasty or episioplasty is a surgical procedure that helps correct an abnormally developed vulva. In an affected dog, skin and or fat folds hang over the vulva and the vulva becomes recessed. This leads to the accumulation of moisture within the skin folds and the promotion of bacterial growth.
Wobbler SyndromeWobbler syndrome is a neurologic condition within the spinal cord of the neck. The impact is compression of the spinal cord. The condition tends to occur in large and giant breed dogs, and rarely in small breed dogs.
Unit 5/207 Balcatta Road BALCATTA WA 6021
Phone: (08) 9447 4644 |